A section of Tanzanians has taken to social media to share mixed reactions after an unusual video of their President, Samia Suluhu Hassan emerged on social media.

President Samia went to Mozambique for an official visit after she had returned from the United Kingdom where she had attended the funeral ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II.

In Mozambique, she held a series of meetings with her host, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi. They later crowed their meetings with a dinner at the State House.

While at the dinner party, the leaders enjoys drinks, including alcoholic drinks that were abundantly served.

One unusual thing happened that left Tanzanians talking. President Samia was spotted making the host President drink directly from her glass.

She was seen moving some steps towards President Jacinto Nyusi before she put her glass to his mouth, leaving the Mozambique President with no option but to drink from Samia’s glass.

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The gesture has since been given several interpretations in Tanzania, with some Tanzanians saying President Samia wanted to be sure that her drink was safe, and free of poison, thus the need to make her host drink it first.

Others said the gesture could anger her husband, according to them, seeing your wife doing so to another man is always painful.

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