People in Ntchisi have benefited from the Social Cash Transfer Program (SCTP) by transforming their livelihoods, enabling them to construct houses they never dreamt of owning.

One of the beneficiaries, Chakwanira Chitatanga from Sambo Village in Traditional Authority Kalumo’s area said he has constructed a big house with three bedrooms, iron roof, cement and burnt bricks using proceeds from the program.

Chitatanga said,” I and my family used to stay in a small thatched house, but after joining in 2018 I managed to raise a big modern house.”

“I also raise goats and chickens.” He added.

Chakwanira Chitatanga a father of six joined Kaziwa Village Savings and Loans Group and is able to support his family.

Chikumbutso Chiumia another beneficiary from Tenje Village in Traditional Authority Vuso Jere said she has belt a three bed roomed house.

“Through Social Cash Transfer, I have built a modern house and am also raising goat, pigs and chickens.” She said

She said she was also into Irish potato and maize farming.

Both beneficiaries said they will face no challenges even though the program phases out.

Ntchisi District Councils’ Director of Planning and Development, Violet Kamasumbi, described the program as a game changer.

“It is very nice to see people’s lives transforming to the better under the program in the district.”

The Social Cash Transfer Program is a Malawi Government Program implemented by the National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) with financial support from World Bank.

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