The discomfort can make us want to give up, even if it is just fleeting and serves a purpose. If you don’t find out why you’re feeling it, you’ll be thanking God instead of saying sorry to him. For those who believe in God, this shows that He is still at work, even in the midst of hardship.

  1. Problems will pass; they do not last forever. He’ll see to it that you come out on top.

The Holy Spirit is our comforter, and if we believe in him, he will give us hope and confidence to face the challenges in our lives.

  1. If God really wants you to succeed, He won’t let death be the final chapter in your story.

You’ll face a lot of challenges before you pass away, but God will keep an eye on you. According to the Lord’s declaration in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to a future with hope and a future.” God tormented Satan, yet he was unable to enter Job’s spirit because of God’s suffering (Job 1:12).

  1. God places you in the company of people who have been through comparable experiences. Since you have unwavering faith in Him, you will continue.

God also wants you to realize that once you’ve overcome your obstacles, you’ll be an inspiration to others.

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