Police in Kasungu have arrested an 18 year-old woman identified as Bertha Chipeta for concealing birth of her newly born child.

The incident occurred on October 25, 2022 at Chambala Village in the district.

According to the suspect’s landlord, histenant had been spotted with a bumpy tummy and on the said date he went to the toilet within the compound to relieve himself where he heard a cry of the baby in the pit-latrine.

The landlord alerted some members of the community who managed to rescue the newly born baby girl.

It was later discovered that Chipeta was the one who threw the baby into the pit-latrine.

The police visited the scene and took both suspect and the child to Kasungu District Hospital for examination where it was also confirmed that Chipeta is the mother.

Apparently, they are still at the hospital relieving treatment.

Once discharged, Bertha Chipeta will appear before court to answer the charge of Concealing Birth of a Child contrary to section 232 of the Penal Code after treatment.

She hails from Chiwale village in the area of Traditional Authority Mwase in Kasungu District.