Mr. Speaker, Sir, Martin Luther King Jnr. once said “I have a dream”. Yes, I also have a dream. I see a Malawi where her citizens enjoy their freedom, dignity and a sense of pride…

Yes, Mr. Speaker, Sir, I also have a dream. I see citizens getting jobs not because of where they come from; but because they qualify for it.

I see businesses winning tenders not because they have bribed; not because they sponsor the ruling party, but because they qualify to deliver.

Yes, I see clean water delivered to our people.

I see young children in rural areas playing on computers.

I see industries mushrooming across the country. Indeed, I also have a dream.

…Yes, I see electricity all day long…

I see opposition leaders on Malawi Broadcasting Corporation TV…

(Excerpts from HE Dr. Joyce Banda’s maiden Speech delivered in Parliament on May
18 2012)

Wow! what a powerful dream!

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