The First Grade Magistrate Court in Thyolo has fined a 52 year old man of k600, 000 for trafficking forest produce illegally and for using his vehicle while committing offense.

K200, 000 for trafficking and K400, 000 for using his own vehicle while committing offense.

The man has been identified as Isaac Lumanga from Kathawire Village, Traditional Authority Nanseta in the district.

According to Deputy Public Relations Officer for Thyolo sergeant Rabecca Kashoti, the court heard through State Prosecutor Sub Inspector Felix Senzani that the offence was committed on November 11, 2022, a security guard working at Naming’omba Tea Estate spotted boys entering the estate.

”The security guard saw the boys carrying stolen pine tree logs to their truck and the guard rushed to inform his boss, in so doing the boss called the police.” She said

Kashoti said, the man was caught by the police officers while coming out of the estate.

Court found Lungama guilty following four witnesses who testified against him.

In submission, Prosecutor Senzani said the maximum penalty for the offence is 5 million kwacha and 10 years imprisonment with hard labour and also that theft of forest produce from the estate is so.

Lungama pleaded for mercy saying that he is sick and also a first offender.

However, Magistrate Kondani Chinangwa concurred with the State and sentenced Lumanga to pay a fine of K200 000 or in default to serve 10 months Imprisonment with hard labour.

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