The High Court has convicted former Judiciary y spokesperson Mlenga Mvula and Reverend Daniel Mhone for corruptly soliciting about K10.7 million from United Methodist Church between 2016 and 2017.

Delivering the ruling on Tuesday, Malawi Supreme Court of Appeal Judge Sylvester Kalembera, sitting as a High Court judge said the court proved beyond reasonable doubt.

“All in all, I find all the accused persons guilty as charged on all the eight charges and I convict them forthwith. I also revoke the bail and they must be remanded to prison pending sentencing,” reads in part the ruling.

Mvula and Mhone were arrested in September 2017 for allegedly soliciting the money purportedly for the Attorney General’s office, High Court judges and himself to influence the outcome of a court case involving Reverend Jawati and the United Methodist Church.

The case has since been adjourned to unknown date for a ruling.


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