A 25 year old student from Malawi University Business and Applied Science Lester Dickson has killed himself after he was withdrawn from the university.

Last week, it was reported that Dickson has been missing. After investigations he was found dead near Dedza Mountain on Christmas Eve.

According to Dedza police deputy publicist Cassim Manda, the late Dickson was found by women who went to the mountain to look for firewood.

At the time he was found, he was only unconscious and he died when he got at Dedza district hospital.

Initial findings of an open postmortem examination found damaged hyper pigmented organs secondary to poisoning. Samples collected for further examination at central laboratory in Lilongwe,” said Manda.

According to Manda, Dickson’s decision to take his own life was due to stress he got after failing four out of 12 modules which led to his withdraw from the university.

He came from Mandala village Traditional Authority Kamenyagwaza in the district.

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