An Agriculture expert, Dr. Horace Phiri, has urged authorities in the country to consider the importance of a livestock distribution program under the Affordable Input Program (AIP).

The call comes following a decision by authorities to reduce the number of AIP beneficiaries due to a shortage of resources.

This year’s program targeted about 10,500 beneficial farmers from Balaka and Rumphi as well as farmers from Nsanje and Chikwawa districts, who were among the first beneficiary districts during last year’s program, but were left out this year.

Phiri emphasized the importance of the livestock distribution program in promoting sustainable agriculture and food security in the country.

He urged authorities to prioritize the program and allocate necessary resources to ensure its success.

Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Dixie Kampani, said that the Ministry will be rolling out the program in the two districts of Balaka and Rumphi next month.

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