A Malawian pastor in Mwanza district has been arrested for allegedly defiling and impregnating a 14 year old girl.

The pastor has been identified as a 25 year old Benson Kaphetsa of Gathering of Adventist Ministries.

According to Mwanza Police spokesperson, Edwin Kaunda, they arrested the pastor after the mother of the child reported the matter to the police.

Kaunda said the child confided in her mother that the pastor had been defiling her since May 2022, medical results proved that the child had been defiled and that she was indeed pregnant.

“Attempts to arrest the pastor failed, as he has been on the run since October, last year. We have since apprehended him on Tuesday, after he resurfaced in Mwanza,” said Kaunda.

The suspect will soon appear before the court to answer defilement charges.

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