The handling of Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Director General Martha Chizuma’s case has drawn criticism from Leonard Chimbanga, a Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) councillor for the Soche East ward.

In a statement posted on his Facebook page Chimbanga believes that Chizuma’s arrest was instigated by the former Director of Public prosecutions (DPP) Steve Kayuni, and that her case is being dragged out to prevent any action at the graft bursting body.

Chimbanga also accuses the commission of inquiry which was established to handle the arrest of Chizuma in December last year as being “sham” and not following through on its original intentions.

The councillor went further to say that the case was rushed to court before being fully prepared and that the objective was to interdict Chizuma and discard sensitive files.

While Chimbanga’s allegations have drawn attention to the handling of Chizuma’s case, it remains unclear what the true intentions and actions of the DPP and those involved are.

As the case moves forward, the public waits to see if the justice system will provide clarity and accountability in the matter.