Police in Ntcheu have arrested two individuals for alleged theft of K220,000 ($290) meant for 11 beneficiaries under the Department of Disaster Management Affairs’ lean season response program.

Village Headman Bemeyani, also known as Joseph Chikoko, 47, and the Traditional Authority Champiti Civil Protection Committee Chairperson Joseph Njelekeza, 60, were arrested for stealing the funds at Kampepuza Trading Centre.

According to Ntcheu Police Station Public Relations Officer, Rabecca Ndiwate, the two demanded a portion of the funds from the beneficiaries during registration in December last year as a “token of appreciation”.

When the beneficiaries received their money on February 3rd, the suspects demanded K20,000 from each of the 11 individuals, ultimately soliciting a total of K220,000.

However, their actions were reported to Nsipe Police Unit by the beneficiaries and the suspects were arrested, with the recovery of the stolen cash.

The two will soon appear in court to face charges of obtaining money by false pretence, contrary to Section 319 of the Penal Code.

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