The case has not really started, it just is the nitty-gritties of it yet Minister of Defense, Uladi Mussa, is panicking after the High Court ruled that he pay a sum of MK1.5 Million Kwacha to UDF candidate, Atupele Muluzi, for alleging that he is young and therefore not fit to contest for the 2014 elections.

According to court documents, Mussa who is also a PP heavyweight and well-known for failing to place his tongue on leash uttered the remarks that are deemed as defamatory on Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) aired on April 14, 2013.

When the court decided to settle the issue through mediation, Uladi Mussa, and his lawyer, Paul Maulidi, did not turn up for the case, a development that forced the courts to remove mediation from the issue at hand and have proceedings commence.

Meanwhile, the courts have advised Mussa to pay legal fees used by the ‘young’ Muluzi for the 21 days that the case had been progressing. Uladi Mussa, however, through his lawyer has said he would appeal against the ruling.

Trapped by own tongue
Trapped by own tongue

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