Malawi President Joyce Banda of the Peoples’ Party (PP) has chosen former Mulanje Central parliamentarian, Brown James Mpinganjira, as her presidential running mate in next year’s Presidential elections. The decision now leaves the current Vice President Khumbo Kachali in the cold.

Veteran politician Mpinganjira is currently Malawi’s Minister of Irrigation. The choice of BJ, as Mpinganjira is popularly known in the political circles, was communicated to him a few weeks ago during a private meeting between Mpinganjira and the first family

Rumored to partner with JB
Rumored to partner with JB
at Sanjika Palace in Blantyre.

Meanwhile, it has been disclosed that the decision to opt for Mpinganjira was arrived at following successful internal party campaigns to the President by spokesperson Hophmally Makande, Presidential aide, Ephraim Chibvunde, PP official Peter Chupa and another presidential aide, Mary Clara Makungwa.

Almost all the officials who have been lobbying to have Mpinganjira as PP 2014 running mate are members of the now defunct National Democratic Alliance (NDA), a party that was founded by Brown Mpinganjira.

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