Former President Peter Mutharika who is also leader of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on Thursday refused to swallow his pride and meet President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera at Sanjika Palace.

Chakwera invited former heads of state at Sanjika Palace with an aim of how the four leaders can work together in finding solutions to challenges locking the country as a result of cyclone freddy.

Former President Dr. Joyce Banda and former President Dr. Bakili Muluzi attended the meeting but Mutharika did not show up for the meeting.

Writing on his official facebook page after the meeting, Chakwera described the meeting as fruitful.

“On my second stint in the Southern Region for more assessment of Cyclone Freddy damage, I have engaged former heads of State who I cordially invited to tap into their pool of knowledge and global social capital as we seek short and long term remedies for our people.

“Excellencies Dr. Bakili Muluzi and Dr. Joyce Banda, have presented valuable insights on how best we can provide immediate relief to the displaced then rebuild resiliently against climate-induced disasters,” wrote Chakwera.

He added: “In the spirit of Operation Tigwirane Manja, the two eminent citizens have pledged to support all efforts lined up by government in providing necessary respite to affected communities.

“I am humbled to receive such support from the two statespersons.”

Meanwhile, Mutharika is yet to provide reasons for his action.

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