The Consumers association of Malawi (CAMA) has criticized the decision by Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services of suspending issuing of travel documents and passports.

The sentiment has been made following to what has been said by the Director General for immigration Department Charles Kalumo, that blank passport have run out  due to lack forex forcing the department to suspend services at its four processing centres in Blantyre, Mangochi, Lilongwe and Mzuzu.

CAMA Executive Director John Kapito, has said that it is frustrating that government is not clear on issues surrounding passport issuance and contract.

Kapito said if indeed the Immigration Department have problems with issuing passport, they should inform everybody properly and the reasons behind as this will people to plan better.

“If that is not being done then it becomes total negligence and lack of accountability which I think sounds weirder.  Right now there is total silence, darkness and nobody knows what is happening, that creates a bit of frustration and anger,” said Kapito.

However, a lot people are still visiting Immigration offices in Blantyre waiting for application or renewing the passports and others are fearing that they may use money they saved for passport renewal and transport to return to South Africa for accommodation in the city.

Meanwhile, The Immigration is currently, only issuing passports to those who have got emergencies such as medical evacuation, government trips and students flying out for studies.

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