Police in Ndirande have recovered a gun which was reportedly stolen by 22-year-old Innocent Manasa at Malawi Broadcasting Corporation premises in Chirimba on March 10, 2023.

According to Public Relations Officer for Ndirande Police , Kelvin Nyirenda, the suspect reportedly stole a Bioto Pump Gun and four live ammunitions around 3AM when the security guards were asleep.

“Upon interrogation, the suspect revealed that during the time of the incident, the guards left the gun at a corner unattended to while they slept.

“This enabled the suspect to jump into the compound with ease and steal the said gun, a cellphone and boots. The suspect was able to demonstrate to police how he carried out the act,” said Nyirenda.

Nyirenda added that when the matter was reported to Ndirande Police Station, the two guards were detained for questioning upon failing to give an account of the missing items.

The suspect, who hails from Namagonya Village in Thyolo District, has since been arrested and is expected to appear before court soon to answer charges of theft.


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