Deputy Inspector General of Police responsible for Administration Happy Mkandawire has applauded the Global Fund for the construction of additional laboratory and infections prevention ward at Northern Region Police Clinic.

The sentiments has been made by Mkandawire when he visited the project construction site.

He said the additional wards will help police officers and their families including the civilian community around Mzuzu City access health services timely.

This project will also ease congestion at both Mzuzu Central Hospital and Mzuzu Health Centre respectively as people that were flocking to seek medical assistance there will be accessing the services here”, he stated.

He added the project is very important not only to the Malawi Police Service (MPS) but also to the communities around Mzuzu. “We thank the Global Fund for providing financial assistance to ensure this hospital has an infectious disease ward and a laboratory constructed”, he expressed.

On his part, contractor for the project Blessings Hyton Ng’oma of Cheyeka Contractors Limited said the construction works commenced in February 2023 and will complete by July this year.

Ng’oma said the project will cost the donor over 76 million Kwacha.


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