Vice President Khumbo Kachali has said the Peoples’ Party is set to win the 2014 elections come what may.

Speaking on the sidelines of a radio interview where the Vice President was shedding more light on the leaking and looting at the Capitol Hill coffers, the country’s second in command who could not indicate if he will be President Banda’s runningmate, said that the 2014 elections were set for the PP in terms of the Presidential race.
“Even if the three major political parties of UDF, DPP and MCP can join forces to unseat us, they will fail. PP is winning the 2014 elections,” said a confidently sounding Kachali.

Asked on what was the basis of his claims especially in light of opinion polls that have thrown their party President in worst positions, Kachali said the opinion polls were not a true reflection of the reality on the ground.

“Go to the villages, meet the voters, you will get a clear picture of the 2014 winner,” Kachali directed the journalist interviewing him.

Kachali’s remarks come at a time when many believe that the Peoples’ Party has lost its popularity especially with such things as the shortage of maize, high prices of goods and the recent Capitol Hill leaking.