Lilongwe First Grade Magistrate’s Court has jailed a man  for 22 years after he abducted and defiled a 12-year-old girl on the pretext of offering her a piecework.

The convict has been identified as Francis Masamba over the charges of abduction and defilement, crimes which he had committed in an unidentified bush in August last year.

State Prosecutor Sub Inspector Florence  Mlanje told the court that Masamba, on 21 August 2022, enticed the victim with a piecework to carry some empty cartons for him.

He, instead, took her on a long journey from Chitipi Township to unidentified destination where he defiled her in a bush until the following morning when he and the victim started off to Mchezi along Salima road.

On their arrival at Mchezi, the court further learnt, Masamba was immediately apprehended by the community on a theft charge he had previously committed in the area.

The victim, however, revealed her ordeal at the hands of the convict, and he[ the convict] was immediately handed over to Mchezi Police Unit.

In her submission, Prosecutor Mlanje prayed for a long custodial sentence saying Masamba had subjected the victim to both psychological and physical trauma.

Passing sentence, First Grade Magistrate Chakaka Nyirenda condemned Masamba’s acts as inhumane and beastly.

He went on and handed Masamba eight years imprisonment with hard labour (IHL) for abduction and 14 years IHL for defilement.

Nyirenda determined that both sentences will run consecutively, meaning Masamba will serve a 22 year jail term.

Francis Masamba  is 34 years old hails from Hola Village Traditional Authority Makwangwala in Ntcheu District

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