The Nsanje First Grade Magistrate court has convicted and sentenced a 44-year-old man Clemence Loki Panangali, to 14 years imprisonment with hard labour for having sexual activity with a child a 5 year-old girl.

The court through prosecutor Sub inspector Victor Nachuma heard that, the reporter left home in order to harvest her sorghum leaving her 5-years niece at her house, when she reported back from the garden then she found her niece crying.When been asked then she said that she has been sexually assaulted by Panangali since they are just neighbors.

Upon arrival at his working place since he is being working at the maize mill, the incident took place inside the maize mill.

Prosecutor Nachuma added that,it was other young children who see their friend with sperms rotating in her legs then they managed to wash those sperms using the victims pant.

Appearing in court, prosecutor Nachuma reminded the court that such cases are rampant despite government and other stakeholders relentlessly working towards uplifting rights of the girl child.

In mitigation, Panangali pleaded with the court to tamper justice with mercy for he is the breadwinner at home and his wife has a young baby to take care of.

Passing sentence, First Grade Magistrate Watson Mankhanamba concurred with the state hence sentenced him to 14-years imprisonment with hard labour as a deterrent to would-be offenders.

Clemence Loki Panangali  comes from Chisi village, Traditional Authority Tengani in Nsanje.


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