In a heartbreaking incident, the lifeless body of a child was discovered this morning in Kadwere stream near Chipuka Village, under the jurisdiction of Traditional Authority Kalumo in Ntchisi District. The identity of the child is yet to be determined.

According to the local authorities, the distressing news was brought to the attention of Group Village Headman Chipuka by individuals who spotted the unclothed body floating in the aforementioned stream.

Promptly responding to the incident, medical personnel and the police in the district swiftly arrived at the scene and successfully recovered the child’s remains from the stream. The body has been transferred to Ntchisi District Hospital for a postmortem examination to ascertain the cause of death.

The Ntchisi Police Station has initiated an investigation into the matter, as confirmed by Glory Kondowe, the Deputy Spokesperson for Ntchisi Police Station.

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