The area of Traditional authority Njewa in Lilongwe has been singled out by the Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (Escom) as the worst hit as it has recorded 4 cases of vandalizing Escom’s properties in May only.

The sentiment has been made in Lilongwe during an interface with local leaders and the Malawi Police service.

Escom regional manager responsible for the central region Macvittie Chiphwanya said they have lost equipment worth over 70 million in just a month in one area, and it is unfortunate because they will replace the equipment using resources meant to connect new areas.

Assistant superintendent Gift Mzembe from Lilongwe Police said investigations are underway but there are links that the Police will bring the culprits to book very soon.

Meanwhile T/A Njewa has said that it is shameful that her area is involved in a number of Vandalism cases.

The T/A has assured the gathering that she will introduce by-laws which will enforce security in the area.

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