The Nchalo First Grade Magistrate Court has convicted and sentenced Emmanuel Mtalika 23, to 5 years imprisonment with hard labour for Burglary and Theft.

Court through Nchalo Police Prosecutor Sub Inspector Ray Munthali heard that Mtalika broke into a house at Illovo estate and went away with home entertainment equipment valued to K432,000 during the night of January 02, 2023.

Appearing in court, Mtalika pleaded not guilty to the charge of Burglary and Theft which is contrary to section 309 of the Penal code that prompted the state to parade three witnesses who testified beyond reasonable doubt.

In his submission, Sub- Inspector Ray Munthali lamented that the offence is one of the serious offences in the Penal code therefore the convict deserve custodial sentence. He further narrated that other stolen items are yet to be recovered hence the loss to the owner.

In his mitigation, Mtalika prayed for leniency stating that he is a first offender and he looks after his family.

Delivering his rulling, First Grade Magistrate John Nsomba dismissed the mitigation factors and concurred with the state ordering Mtalika to serve 60 months imprisonment with hard labor for Burglary and 12 months for Theft but all sentences to run concurrently.

Emmanuel Mtalika hails from Sekeni Village Traditional Authority Lundu in Chikwawa District.


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