Senior Resident Magistrate court in Zomba has sentenced a 20 year old man to 3 years and 12 months imprisonment for burglary and theft.
State Prosecutor Chimpazi Katukwana has  identified the convict as Kako Mazunda.
Katukwana told the court that Mazunda, during the night of March 26, 2023,  the convict broke into the house of Cecilia Mkandawire and stole two Itel cellphones, a decoder, a torch and other groceries valued at K147, 000.00.
Katukwana further told the court that Mazunda was arrested and handed to the police by the members of the community as he was selling the stolen materials and police made recoveries of the 2 cellphones, a decoder and the torch which were ably identified by the owner.
Appearing before the court, Mazunda denied the charges which prompted the state to parade three witnesses who proved the case.
In mitigation, Mazunda pleaded with the court to exercise leniency citing family obligations.
In his submission, Katukwana prayed to the court to give the convict a stiffer punishment to deter other would-be offenders.
Passing his judgement, Senior Resident Magistrate Yohane Munthali concurred with the state and slapped Mazunda to three years imprisonment with hard labour for burglary and 12 months imprisonment with hard labour for theft which is to run concurrently.
Kako Mazunda hails from Mwamadi village, Traditional Authority Mlumbe in Zomba district.
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