59-year-old man, Marik Muha has been arrested by police in Monkey-Bay, Mangochi for allegedly defiling and impregnating his 15-year old stepdaughter.

According to Monkey-Bay Police station’s spokesperson, Sergeant Alice Sichali, the incident occurred between the months of March and June 2023 at Lipulumbu Village, Traditional Authority Nankumba in Mangochi district.

Sichali alleged, “during the period, Muha had defiled the child four times on different occasions as he was taking advantage when the wife and other children had gone out and he was threatening the victim not to reveal the ordeal.”

She added, on June, 02, 2023, the mother noticed some changes in her daughter’s body suspecting her to have pregnancy and after being interviewed the girl admitted to have been defiled by her stepfather .

“The matter was reported to Monkey-Bay Police Station where the victim was issued a referral letter to Monkey Bay community hospital and the results indicated that she is 4 months pregnant,” explained Sichali.

Muha is expected to appear before court soon to answer defilement charges.

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