The Principal Resident Magistrate’s court in Mzuzu has convicted and sentenced a 24 year-old man to 21 years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling two little girls.

Assistant Public Relations Officer for Mzuzu Police Station Constable Rose Chipyola, has identified the convict as Lumbani Nyirenda.

The court through police prosecutor Inspector Kelvin Kamanga heard that the convict on May 26, 2023, asked the victims to fetch him water since his wife was at the hospital for antenatal services.

However after bringing the water, the convict asked the two to follow him into the bush where he asked the girls one after the other to put off their pants and defile them and after the action Nyirenda warned the two to zip their mouths.

When the girls reached home, their aunt suspected their unusual appearance. After confronting them the girls explained their fate and were taken to Police where they were referred to the hospital.

Medical examinations confirmed that the two had been defiled.

Appearing before court Nyirenda pleaded guilty to the charge of Defilement which is contrary to section 138 of the penal code.

In his submission, prosecutor Kamanga prayed for a stiffer custodial sentence stating that being an elder person the convict would have been the one protecting these minors and not taking advantage of their naivety

Passing sentence, Magistrate Clemence Chamwenda concurred with the state’s submission and sentenced the convict to 21 years imprisonment with hard labour.

Lumbani Nyirenda hails from Nkhondopera Village, Traditional Authority Kampingo sibande in Mzimba District


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