Authorities have described the ‘Shaka Ilembe’ movie as a true reflection of African culture and heritage.

This comes as Multlchoice Malawi on Wednesday evening gave a platform for people in Lilongwe to witness an exclusive screening of the first episode of ‘Shaka Ilembe’.

Owen Chomanika Deputy Minister for Local Government said the Shaka story is also a Malawian story as there are many Ngoni people in the country which gives pure reflection of long-standing history.

Chomanika added by challenging local film makers to learn modernizing other local cultures through movies so that the upcoming generations would be able to easily capture on what used to happen in the past.

And on her part Zena Makunje -Corporate Affairs Manager for MultiChoice Malawi expressed delight for the movie saying that they feel proud producing such content which in one way or the other preserves the culture of Africa.

Makunje further reaffirmed their commitment towards supporting growth of Malawi’s fillm industry by giving platforms for contents to be beamed across the continent.



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