The Association of Persons with Albinism (APAM) has condemned the continued attacks, abductions and killings of persons with albinism saying they are being discriminated against.

This has been revealed during a commemoration of World Albinism Day aimed at advocating for the plight of persons with albinism.

Speaking in an interview APAM President Young Muhamba says it is still worrisome that some people are living in fear of their lives since they are being attacked.

Muhamba added that the spearheading of cases which are still in court will help in the fight against the vice.

He says this year alone more than 3 cases have been registered in the country.

In her remarks, Minister of Gender community development and social walfare Jean Sendeza indicates that they will table Disability Act which is currently with the ministry of Justice for legal frame work inorder to present it next week.

Sendeza suggests that government is working with APAM to make some corrections in the bill.

The day was set up in December 2014 due to the rise of cases ranging from killings abductions and grave exhuming for the body parts of albinos for magical purposes.

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