Malawi Police Service (MPS) Women Network through the Director of Research and Planning Commissioner Barbra Mchenga Tsiga emphasized the importance of women network executive members acting as gender advocates and utilizing their roles effectively within the service.

She emphasized that the network plays a crucial role as a bridge between management and female police officers, particularly when addressing concerns specific to women in the service before she urged the executive team to embody and uphold discipline among female officers at all times, as it is a fundamental pillar of policing.

“We cannot advance professionally if our discipline continues to decline. The executive team serves as the voice of the Inspector General, and it is our responsibility to speak out against and address any acts of indiscipline within our respective formations,” she pleaded.

She also encouraged female officers to pursue further studies, highlighting the importance of keeping up with the ever-changing world.

Meanwhile, Chairperson of the network, Assistant Commissioner of Police Jessie Nyirongo, called upon her subordinates to demonstrate strong character, fight against corruption, utilize social media as a means of communication, and refrain from behaviors that compromise police discipline.

“Discipline should be a guiding principle, and teaching us integrity. We must ensure that our appearance, including our movements, makeup, and hairstyles in uniform, reflect our personalities positively to the public,” said Nyirongo.

The chairperson also issued a stern warning that no female police officer would be exempted from consequences if found violating the Service’s Standing Orders.

The three-day meeting will cover various topics, including the sexual harassment policy. Notable senior officers in attendance include the Director of Finance, Mrs. Monica Musongole DCP, Paypol Mrs. Mercy Kamlopa ACP, and Central East Regional Operations Officer Ms. Modesta Jussah, along with two male champions.

Source: Impulse Tv
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