The Phalombe First Grade Magistrate court has convicted and sentenced a 28-year-old woman, Modester Bokosi, to 7 years imprisonment with hard labour, for unlawfully wounding her Brother in law.

The court heard through the state prosecutor Sergeant Maureen Namainja that on June 06, 2023, at around 20:00 hours, the convict hacked her brother in-law on the right hand using a panga as he was trying to break up a fight between her and her husband.

Appearing before First Grade Magistrate Leonard Mtosa, the convict pleaded not guilty to the charge levelled against her, that prompted the state to parade three witnesses to prove the case.

In mitigation, the convict pleaded for leniency saying that she is a first-time offender and that she has three children whom she looks after and will suffer if she gets a jail term.

She added that her husband left her after she got arrested.

First Grade Magistrate Mtosa however concurred with the state and sentenced Bokosi to 7 years imprisonment with hard labour with effect from the date of her arrest June 13th, 2023.

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