Mangochi First Grade Magistrate Court has convicted and sentenced two men to seven years and six months imprisonment with hard labour for assaulting a Kabaza motorcycle operator and robbed him of motorbike .

The court through state prosecutor Sub Inspector Ted Namaona who identified the convicts as Nelson Padesha Abasi and Izeki William

Namaona told the court that on January 4, 2023 the two hired the victim, Rulanga Chimputa, from Admarc motorcycle rank to Kazembe Market.

On their way which passes through thick bushes, one of the convicts grabbed the victim on the neck while his accomplice threatened him with a sharp knife.

The victim wrestled with them and managed to rescue himself and fled leaving behind his Lifo motorcycle worth K580,000.00.

State prosecutor Sub Inspector Namaona added that, on March 21, 2023 the victim bumped into one of the convicts, Abasi along Katema road and reported the matter to members of the Community Policing Forum who mobilized themselves and arrested Abasi who later led the team to his accomplice before being handed over to Katema Police Unit.

Appearing before court, all convicts pleaded not guilty to the charges prompting the state to parade four witnesses who proved the case beyond reasonable doubt.

In mitigation, they all asked for court’s leniency, saying they are too young and breadwinners of their families.

In his submission, state prosecutor Sub Inspector Namaona asked the court to impose a stiffer punishment on the convicts, saying offenses committed are serious in nature and that life of the victim would have been lost if he had failed to defend himself in the process of robbery.

Passing sentence, First Grade Magistrate Roy Kakutu concurred with the state and he therefore sentenced each of them to 7 years and 6 months imprisonment with hard labour.

Nelson Padesha Abasi is  23 years-old comes from Mawilinga village in Traditional Authority Chilipa in Mangochi while Izeck William is 21 years old hails from Nyumwa Village in Traditional Authority Kawinga in Machinga District.


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