The Chief Resident Magistrate court in Mzuzu has convicted and sentenced a 26-year-old man, Felix Jere, to 20 years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling an 11 year-old girl.

The court, through Police Prosecutor Inspector Kelvin Kamanga, heard that Jere committed the offence on the night of June 3, 2023 while she was sleeping in her room.

He defiled the victim twice, and threatened to kill her if she cried to let others know what was happening.

The matter was reported to police on the next day who later sent her to hospital for medical examination. The results were positive.

In court, Jere pleaded not guilty to defiling the girl. The state then paraded five witnesses to prove the case.

In his submission, the State through Kamanga prayed for a stiffer punishment saying that such cases are rampant in Mzuzu City, and that the convict being her step father, had the responsibility of protecting the girl, not victimizing her.

In mitigation, Jere pleaded with the court for leniency when passing its sentence saying that he is the first offender, and a bread winner of his big family.

Passing his sentence, Chief Resident Magistrate Paul Chiotcha, concurred with the state before slapping Jere to 20 years imprisonment with hard labour to deter other would be offenders.

Felix Jere hails from Mzondi Jere, Traditional Authority Mtwalo in Mzimba.

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