Ruling Peoples’ Party has disclosed that it will not fire or suspend its Director of Recruitment and Sensitization, Oswald Lutepo, despite his name appearing almost everywhere on the list of Capitol Hill looters.

The spokesperson for the party, Hophmally Makande, said to a local radio station that the two year old party will not dismiss Lutepo or even caution him over mere allegations. He said that as a party they will wait for justice to be carried out on Lutepo before passing their own verdict.

The sentiments by Makande adds weight to allegations that have been flying around town, more especially on social media, that most of the money Lutepo is accused of swindling from the coffers of government is meant to be used by the PP to support its 2014 campaign.

However, in dismissing those allegations Makande also sold the idea that PP has received nothing from Lutepo who is said to be an owner of various companies one of which is accused of pilfering MK 1 billion from the Capitol hill coffers.

When put to him that Lutepo bought some cars for the party, Makande said he was not aware of such a thing.

Last week, another member of the PP who is also a Minister for Water and Irrigation, Anita Kalinde, said that as a party the PP only bought 3 vehicles and the rest were donated by well-wishers.


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