Secretary to the President and Cabinet (SPC) Colleen Zamba has cautioned public officers working in the execution of land issues to refrain from corruption and work with diligence in serving Malawians.

Zamba was speaking in Lilongwe when she opened a meeting between the Ministry of Lands and Directors in Government ministries on the country’s amended land laws.

She emphasized Malawi can only achieve its development aspirations as outlined in Malawi 2063 if public officers adopt a zero-tolerance stance on corruption.

“While I remind you that corruption has no room in any government, also take note that delivery is key in this administration because citizens expect us to change the way we operate and deliver to their expectations,” said Zamba
She added the country’s economic revolution will require hard work and that every public servant should reflect and work to their best.

In his remarks, Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Lands, Devie Chilonga said among other things, the amended land laws have helped to address people’s concerns regarding the sale of land to non-citizens, sale of vacant freehold or leasehold land and the role of traditional leaders in the management and administration of customary land.


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