Leader of opposition Kondwani Nankhumwa who is also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President for the South has condemned the violence that erupted during demonstrations on Thursday in Lilongwe.

Political activist Bon Kalindo on Thursday organized the demonstrations in Lilongwe with an aim of forcing President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera to resign for failing to run the affairs of the country.

But the demonstrations were disrupted by a group youths suspected to be from the Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

This resulted to running battles.

In a letter addressed to Chakwera, Nankhumwa condemned the attack on demonstrators by a group of civilians that blocked and stopped the demos.

Below is the letter;

*Leader of Opposition in Parliament, Hon. Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa, MP*

Parliament Building

Presidential Drive

Private Bag B362

Lilongwe 3

*His Excellency Dr. Lazarus Chakwera*

President of the Republic of Malawi

Kamuzu Palace


*Your Excellency,*


I am writing to express my deep concern and dismay over the recent political violence, including hacking of political opponents, attributed to fanatics associated with your political party, the Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

On Wednesday night, September 6, 2023, some people belonging to ‘Malawi First’, a group of Civil Society organisations who have been organizing mass demonstrations in the country against your leadership were mercilessly hacked. Their vehicles and public address system were destroyed, and as we are talking they are battling for their lives at the hospital.

This follows another incident on August 30, 2023, where demonstrators were heavily stoned by your party’s operatives as they passed through the inter-change towards the State House in Lilongwe.

That day, wanton police brutality was on clear display, which included disobeying court orders, arresting activists and travelling with them to unknown destinations under the cover of darkness as well as attempting to murder them.

In the latest demonstrations that took place in the City of Lilongwe, your supporters once again pelted demonstrators with stones at Lilongwe Bridge along the flea market in an attempt to disrupt the demonstrations

Instead of controlling the situation, the Police surprisingly threw teargas towards the demonstrators thereby chasing and scattering them.

As Leader of Opposition in Parliament and a concerned citizen, I want to remind you Mr President President that you are President of this nation, and not President of a handful of MCP supporters. I also want to quickly remind you Mr President that you are in that position largely because the previous government allowed you to enjoy your freedoms, including freedom to express dissenting views and to take part in demonstrations.

The wave of political violence orchestrated by individuals closely aligned with your political party has caused significant harm to innocent Malawians whose only crime was their desire to enjoy their freedom to demonstrate as enshrined in the Republican Constitution. These malicious acts undermine the fundamental principles upon which our Republic was built – freedom, justice, and the right to privacy.

The scale at which violence is being perpetrated by MCP operatives is deeply alarming, and to think that it is happening now when elections are almost 24 months away is even troubling. You must know Mr President that cancer starts with a small lump, but if left untreated it can grow with dangerous implications.

This scenario not only raises serious questions about the capabilities of your government to protect its citizens, but also its desperation and inability to hold on to the tenets upon which our democracy was founded.

What is further troubling Mr President is that the political violence perpetrated by members of MCP is coming amidst a serious breakdown of security in the country, which has been punctuated by a rising spate of hackings and robberies around the country.

My question is, why are you misusing the police? Why not deploy the police to deal with the security breakdown in the country than sending them to shoot at innocent and unsuspecting Malawians who are only enjoying their freedom to conduct peaceful demonstrations

In any case Mr President, do you expect that Malawians will just stay on their laurels when the country is erupting under this economic meltdown; when prices of commodities are rising on a daily basis; when a bag of Maize is at K50,000; when ADMARC depots are empty; when fuel and forex are consistently not available?


As Leader of Opposition in Parliament, I want to urge you, Mr President, that you should take immediate action to address these blatant breaches of peace, and hold those responsible accountable.

1- You need to address the nation on this matter and reassure Malawians that their safety, privacy, and democratic rights are of paramount importance to your administration;

2- There should be comprehensive investigations to identify the individuals involved, their motives, and their masters within your political party. This investigation should be conducted with the utmost transparency and without any political bias; and

3 – Swiftly bring the perpetrators to justice. Those responsible must be apprehended and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This will send a strong message that such actions will not be tolerated in our country ever again.


If the above-outlined concerns are not addressed, I want to warn Your Excellency that:

1- I will engage the international community including our traditional donors on the same to collectively map the way forward;

2- I will personally join the next schedule of demonstrations together with millions of other well meaning Malawians to drive the point home that Malawians are suffering under your leadership.

I trust that you will act swiftly and decisively to restore faith in our democracy and protect the rights and security of Malawians.

I remain, sincerely,

*Honourable Dr. Kondwani Nankhumwa, MP*



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