One in six married women has not let their husband see them naked in over a year, according to a poll carried out on 1,902 married women from across the UK, which asked when they last allowed their husband to see them nude.

According to this report, of the 16 per cent claimed they had not undressed in front of their partners during the last 12 months or more;

Almost half said this was because they felt insecure about their appearance, while a third blamed a dip in their sex drive. Around 40 per cent said their relationship had suffered as a result and 36 per cent admitted that their constant attempt to cover up had caused rows.

Sarah Bailey, from online pharmacist which commissioned the poll, said:

“Body confidence is a huge element of women’s sex life, and it seems a lack thereof is causing problems.

“A relatively high percentage of married women haven’t allowed their partner to see them nude in the past 12 months or more.”

She added: “Women must remember that even though they may not love their bodies, chances are their partner does – and no relationship is worth sacrificing for a lack of confidence in the looks department.”

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