The department of climate change and meteorological services has advised Malawians to stay hydrated during the prolonged period of hot and uncomfortable weather which is expected to persist in most areas to last over the next 3 days

In a statement released by the department, the prolonged period will last from Thursday 12 to Saturday 14 October 2023. The projected maximum temperature for Shire Valley will be 44°C, Lakeshore areas 39 to 40°C and Northern, Central and Southern areas from 34 to 37°C.

The department also advise Malawian to avoid drinking alcohol, and caffeine, as they can cause dehydration, to dress appropriately: Wear light, loose fitting clothing, and use sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful sunlight and use hats.

The statement also highlighted that people should avoid intensive activities such as physical activities, especially during the hottest part of the day (11am to 3pm).

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