Despite the massive exodus that has hit his party, Malawi Congress Party president Lazarus Chakwera has said that his party is bound to resurrect from the dead like did Lazarus of the Bible.

Speaking in an interview to a local station, Chakwera said that the party might be hit by exodus and defections but what remained was that the party was still going to remain firm and get back into government.

“I am Lazarus and I am saying that like Lazarus (referring to that of the Bible), MCP will resurrect and lead Malawi once again,” said Chakwera.

In the same programme, Chakwera disclosed that he met with investors in the US and RSA who are willing to come to Malawi once  MCP takes over government with him at the helm.

Recently, the party has seen its old and executive members defecting from the party into other camps with the most prominent being the SG of the party Chris Daza who defected to PP.

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