The Zomba Senior Resident Magistrate’s court on November 7, 2023, convicted and sentenced a 44 year old man, Owen Liabunya to 6 years imprisonment with hard labour for committing house breaking and theft offences.

The offences which is contrary to sections 308 and 278 of the penal code respectively.

During court proceedings, the State Prosecutor Inspector Rodrick Kamuona told the court that Liabunya on the afternoon of August 30, 2023 broke into the house of Maulana Sanudi and went away with assorted items including mattress, solar panel and door all valued at K120,000.00.

Kamuona further told the court that, the following day, Maulana apprehended the convict himself and managed to recover the stolen items following a tip from well-wishers and the convict was later handed over to Chingale Police Post.

Appearing in court, Liabunya who pleaded guilty to all counts prayed for court’s leniency citing that he has family obligations.

In his submission prosecutor Kamuona reminded the court that Liabunya was once convicted for a similar offence and his behaviour of resistance to change is pathetic and cannot be tolerated in the society hence asked for a custodial sentence.

Passing sentence, Senior Resident Magistrate Yohane Munthali concurred with the state and sentenced Liabunya to 6 years imprisonment for house breaking and 2 years Imprisonment for the count of theft. The sentences will run concurrently.

Liabunya hails from Kutchili village, Traditional Authority Mlumbe in Zomba district.

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