A 32-YEAR-OLD teacher of Lundazi, Eastern province Levy Bili has tragically ended his own life, succumbing to the weight of alleged debts he owed to numerous creditors.

The cause of his financial distress is allegedly linked to his involvement in betting activities.

Mable Ng’uni, 27 , reported the matter to police after discovering the lifeless body of her husband.

And Eastern Province Police Commanding Officer, Limpo Liywali confirmed in a statement that Mr Bili hanged himself using a piece of chitenge material from the roof of their house in the bedroom, resulting in instantaneous death.

He said the incident happened on Wednesday, November 8, around 17:30 hours in Mtendere compound.

Earlier in the day, around 12:00 hours, Mr Bili had confided in his wife about the overwhelming burden of debts and expressed his intent to end his life.

Mr Liywali revealed that the wife had tried to console him, and he had assured her that he would not take such drastic measures.

“This occurred on Wednesday, November 08, at around 17:30 hours at Mtendere compound. Brief facts are that at around 12: 00hours, he told his wife that he has a lot of credits and wanted to kill himself,” he said.

However, tragedy struck later in the day when, at around 17:00 hours, Ms. Ng’uni left her husband alone at home to go to the market.

Shockingly, she received news while still at the market that her husband had hanged himself and passed away.
Mr Liywali said police have since deposited the body in the mortuary, awaiting a post-mortem examination.

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