God Over Everything (G.O.E) has helped 50 female learners with uniforms, note books and pens in Mulanje LEA, Khunguni LEA, Namatuni and Khaya primary school in Mulanje district.

The director of organization, Martha Samuel said that the support was given when the organization had a “Dress a girl child” campaign that come following a survey conducted by the organization and found that many girl child drop out of school due to lack of learning resources.

“We have done this because we know how girls suffer when it comes to school resources, we will also launch a “Dress a Boy Child” in order to support male children who also face problems of lack of learning resources,” Samuel said.

The chairman of Mulanje LEA school committee, James Kafantaye thanked the organization for the support saying that many learners they indeed drop out of school because many of them lack learning materials.

The head teacher, John’s Sitol he also thanked the organization for the support saying that it has come at the right time many learners will get helped.

The G.O.E organization started in 2019 and it does various charity works such as helping people who are in need of essential things for their health.

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