The Mlakho wa Alhomwe group has distributed various goods to 200 people who were affected by Cyclone Freddy in the areas of Nkhululambe and Nkhumba in Phalombe district.

According to the chairman of the group Muchanakhwaye Mpuluka, the grouping decided to give things to people who were affected by Cyclone Freddy because these people continue to face hunger even after some time has passed since the accident.

Some of the donated items included; bags of flour, blankets, beans, clothes and soya pieces.

He has also asked some well-wishers to help the heritage with goods such as food so that they should reach a lot of people who are suffering from hunger because of Cyclone Freddy.

Amount of 25 million kwacha has been used to buy goods that the group has reached other people in Mulanje and Chiladzulu district.

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