A joint sting operation between the Border Management Authority (BMA), Home Affairs and the South African Police Service has stopped more than 40 buses travelling into South Africa through the Beitbridge Border Post carrying children who are alleged to have been trafficked.

BMA Commissioner Michael Masiapato said: “They were able to stop and search about 42 buses trying to enter the republic and found about 443 children under the age of eight in those buses without any parents or guardians. Cleary, they were being trafficked into South Africa.”

By law, the children cannot be interrogated by authorities to ascertain where they came from or to find out the identity of their parents. Authorities have to find less intrusive and traumatic means to get the information as the children are always trafficked against their will.

It is believed a child trafficking ring exists between South Africa and Zimbabwe which takes children under the age of 10 for grooming in the illegal sex industry.

Source: SA NEWS

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