A Human rights body, Voice of Reason has demanded for un-conditional release of Activist Bon Kalindo who was re-arrested minutes after being given bail by Principal Resident Magistrate Court in Zomba.

Last week Kalindo was saved with a warrant of arrest by the state soon after Magistrate Martin Chipofya made his ruling in a case where he was answering Judges related to demostrations that were held in Zomba.

Lawyer representing Kalindo, Timothy Chirwa told reporters that his client was re-arrested in connection to protests he organized in the in Mangochi where demonstrators destroyed properties worth Millions of Kwacha.

But in an interview with this publication Executive Director for Voice of Reason, Edward Kambanje says whatever the police is doing is un-comendable and need to be condemned in its strongest terms.

“They cannot arrest him three times on similar charges, he must be released without any condition attached since he was granted bail on very same charges”. Said Kambanje.


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