If given the chance to live again, Dr Kamuzu Banda would not want to see Bingu wa Mutharika’s face for making the Republic of Malawi qualify the “failed state “status. This is because after 47years of self rule and independence, Mutharika has turned Malawi into a pariah state. According to the United Nations Charter, a state must have history, geography, population and leader. Sadly, as the situation is today, Malawi has a leader who has failed to protect her own national interests by chasing donors, introducing an irrelevant national budget system and introduced energy poverty in the country.
These have negative cumulative effects on the national economy. Consequently, the modern economy introduced in Malawi by the colonizing powers has closed down. Forex, fuel and medicines are not available. Sick citizens are facing a dilemma of choosing between taking herbal medicines or dying in case they are excommunicated from membership to Christian churches. Going to hospital by car has become a luxury as most vehicles have no fuel.
Surprisingly, in spite of all these problems, Bingu has placed an army of corrupt Police Officers on the roads. There are not less than four Police Officers after every distance of 200 metres, stopping to inspect cars for road tax, cof and insurance as if they were perishable like fish. That is how Bingu has destroyed Malawi. Malawi is no longer a civilian state. It is a Police State. Bingu is failed to rule. Malawi ans Somalia are on the same league of failed state. We are just waiting for the United Nations Secretary General to declared the country as such in September 2011 General Assembly.

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