Leader of opposition Kondwani Nankhumwa has said he will appeal court ruling dismissing with costs his application challenging the party President Peter Mutharika re-deploying him to other post.

In the reshuffle, DPP president Peter Mutharika stripped Mulanje Central legislator Kondwani Nakhumwa of the role of vice-president (South) and made him his adviser alongside former director of women Cecilia Chazama.

Mutharika also moved secretary general Grezelder Jeffrey to the role of vice-president (Central Region).

This did not please the trio who sought court intervention on the matter but the ruling come out negative.

Speaking with the press after the ruling Nankhumwa’s lawyer Peter Minjale said they are planning to appeal because the judge has erred in both law and facts.

“I haven’t gotten a response from my clients, but a knee-jerk response would be that the judge made errors of both the law and facts. There are some issues which the judge overlooked,” he said.

The opposition DPP is currently rocked up in leadership crisis with the Nankhumwa faction demanding for an early convention.

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