The Human Right Defenders Coalition (HRDC) has blasted the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for failing to put its house in order.

In a statement released at the end of the year, HRDC said infighting in the opposition DPP gave room for the Tonse Alliance to be at ease.

“The opposition’s role as a check and balance on the government has been severely compromised by internal conflicts within the DPP.

“Instead of focusing on their critical oversight role, leaders in the opposition have been entangled in internal disputes, wasting valuable time on court battles and press briefings that castigate one another,” said HRDC Chairperson Gift Trapence in the statement.

Added the statement: “Malawians entrusted the DPP with the main opposition position through the 2020 elections, expecting it to fulfil its role of providing effective checks and balances. Unfortunately, this expectation remains largely unmet.

“HRDC calls on the opposition parties, particularly the DPP, to rise above personal egos inorder to resolve internal disputes. Malawians deserve an effective opposition that can fulfill its mandated oversight role and contribute constructively to the governance of the nation.”

The opposition DPP is yet to comment on the matter.

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