1. Called Mzuzu corner boys exam cheats
2. Introduced quota system
3.Paying his wife Callista hefty salary for doing charity work for poor Malawians
4. Abolished MEC against court orders
5. Abused a woman – VP Joyce Banda and attempted to liquidate her
6. Telling DPP Youth to kill innocent peace loving Malawians
7. Depleting forex, no petrol diesel or paraffin
8. Marrying the best friend of his late wife
9. Interfering with the investigations into the death of Zimbwabwean lady Gaza
10. Wasting money on Nsanje port before all studies were made
11. Giving Mota Engil all major government contracts without tender
12. Building useless by-pass at Area 18, Chichiri and many places in Malawi at a total cost of K13bn
13. Abusing MBC and TVM with political messages.
14. Not accounting for proceeds from Kayeleka mines
15 Disposing of government property – the presidential jet without competitive bidding
16. Arresting army officers for treason without any evidence.
17 Giving aunt Tiwonge scary 14 years for no crimes when hard core criminals are terrorizing innocent citizens.
18. Not prosecuting Akweni for corruption from tourism
19. Introducing chiphwisi laws against the wish of Malawians
20 Introducing anti-media laws against the free press
21. Buying ex- Safari club, a spacious house sitting on 2hectares of land in Lilongwe Area 3 from Lilongwe City Assembly for less than K1m
22. Appointing under qualified fellow Lomwes to RBM, Treasury so that foreign exchange money can be stolen properly.
23. Cheating and lying to Malawians that there is congestion at Beira port when he used all forex for himself.
24 Publishing a book “From Rags to Riches” about himself making it rich at the back of poor hardworking Malawians
25. Employing under qualified Zimbabweans when qualified and more deserving Malawians are jobless.
26. Unconstitutionaly giving his brother, a mere Minister of Education, the state lodge in Lilongwe
27. Arresting lecturers at Chanco
28. Unconstitutionally banning peaceful demonstrations, demanding K2m as fee for demonstrating
29. Harrassing and torturing almost to death, ailing Jessie Kabwila’s mother .
30. Ordering Dr Dzamala to present a fake pathological report on late Zimbabwean Gaza.
31. Because of tantramuns under the influence of intoxicating substances, causing the collapse of Dr Ntaba
32. Attempting to assassinate Rev Sembereka using state resources.
33. Single handedly, designing an ugly flag and shoving it onto the throats of unconsulted Malawians
34. Denying hardworking Malawian civil servants their salaries while paying Zimbabwean state house workers hefty juicy salaries
35. Killing an innocent university student in cold blood and maiming 15 others.
36. Closing the University of Malawi for no apparent reason.
37. Denying the VP Joyce Banda the freedom to hold meetings in the country
38. Paying through nepotism, the secretary to Tresuary Mwanamveka, K4m per month when the SPC gets K450,000 per month .
39. While under the heavy influence of whisky, expelling an innocent British High Commissioer thereby putting in jeorpardy the well being of 13million Malawians who depend on British aid for survival.
40. Arresting, an innocent God fearing pastor who prophesized, with inspiration from the Holy Spirit, the death of Muthalika and conjuring stories of begging for money from Peter Muthalika.
41.. Stealing, without any sense of compunction, Malawi Housing Corporation houses from poor Malawians.
42. Subjecting innocent prisoners to anal inspections and degrading their human rights
43. Scooping billions of dollars from innocent Malawians under the guise of changing new passports.
44. Scooping billions of dollars from innocent Malawians under the guise of changing new car number plates.
45 Firing Chief Tengani as MHC chair after he had asked all MHC house thieves to return the stolen houses back to poor Malawians.
46. Sending his grand daughters and sons to very expensive schools on government coffere
47. Beating the First lady to near death – domestic abuse
48. Arresting and torturing a hard working innocent civil servant for saying he didn’t receive his salary for three months
49. Forcibly bought Ndata Farm from hard working, poverty striken peace loving Malawian without paying a single kwacha
50. Beating up a BNL journalist, and left for dead, at Kamuzu Bandas memorial service on 14th May, 2011

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