Three people have died in Dowa after being washed away by flooding waters following heavy rains on Saturday in the district.

Mponela Police Station Public Relations Officer Macpatson Msadala has identified the three as Mayeso Chapondapo aged 43, of Nabuzi village in Traditional Authority (T/A) Dzoole, 60-year-old Jickson Sandikonda of Kafansiyanji village in T/A Mponela and Martin Junior Jemison, 21, of Chikonde village in T/A Mponela, all in Dowa district.

“Chapondapo left home to drink beer and upon his return, he was washed away by running water of Kasangadzi river as he was in a drunken state.

“Sandikonda was swept away by running water from Kanyungu River when he was returning home to Chidoola after he had gone to Chipembere Mchere to buy maize flour.

His body was found at Chiwolewole area,” said Msadala.

Msadala said the last incident involved Jemison Junior who had left his home village at Msampha to play a football match.

“When returning home, he used a short-cut route via a wooden made bridge and upon reaching the centre of the bridge, he was swept away by running overflooding waters,” said Msadala.

All incidents were reported to Mponela Police Station who visited all the scenes with medical personnel from Mponela Rural Hospital.

Postmortem results established that death in all incidences was due to suffocation secondary to drowning.

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